Winter 2024 Investor Summit Virtual

Leverage advanced performance materials that support innovative design and growth across your enterprise.

CPS offers superior aerospace solutions across metal matrix composite materials, metal/ceramic composites, hermetic packages, thermal management tools, and more.

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We Are CPS

Smart parts powering the big picture. CPS has spent 37 years creating world-class solutions for metal matrix composites, electronics packaging, and armor products. We bring together theory and practice to deliver products unlike any other on the market.

What We Do

CPS is a world-leader in developing advanced materials solutions for transportation, energy, aviation, defense, and oil & gas industries. Our advanced metal matrix composites offer superior benefits compared to traditional materials and give our customers complete confidence in product performance and reliability.

Press Release

Q4 Investor Summit Nov. 21, 2024 Time: 4:00am – 4:30am ET

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